Category archives: Writer
7 years ago
It was the industrial revolution that first attempted to record sound “as a medium for preservation," activating the phenomena of noise as an integral source when documenting history. Thomas Edison received notoriety for the phonograph in 1877, but it was really Edouard-Lèon Scott de Martinsville who invented the phonautograph in 1857, the first recording device. The device was specifically created to study frequency found in sounds, an intention much different from the phonograph invented by Edison which was to play and “reproduce the recorded sound… originally recorded onto a tinfoil”. As per historical reference ( author unknown ), “The phonograph revolutionized the art of music. Performances were recorded and people could listen to them at their leisure. It also made music and communication more public. The invention signaled the birth of a new form of entertainment and an entirely new field of business that fed the demand for the new invention, the music industry”- hence both inventions put an end to the masses' naiveté to the sense of hearing, and introduced the start of audio’s sensational future possibilities.
When we fast forward through the history of music and sound, we could say that the underground rave music scene (which famously erupted somewhere in between Chicago and the UK during the late 80’s), had a lot of thanking to give the founding fathers of sound, more so Edison’s phonograph. It was the phonograph that gathered groups of people before a speake[...]
9 years ago
New York Fashion Week officially ended today.
If you've been following any news from this week's past events:
*You would know that Hood By Air made weird fashion magic with PornHub
**Kayne West's Yeezy Show was considered a hot mess
***Fashion insider Eva Chen was everywhere you wish you were.
Former editor-in-chief for Lucky Magazine, Chen is Instagram's head of fashion partnerships, as well as CEO of Trend Micro. (She's also my hero)
Over 600,000 fans keep track of the fashion maven via IG. And if you are an Instagram stalker like me, you'd know that she's pregnant with her second child to Tom Bannister, and loves to show off her shoes from the backseat of car services. I especially love her #ootd shots, featuring designer Rosetta Getty and Tanya Taylor.
Chen is also a brilliant digital strategist. In an interview with Business of Fashion, Chen lays out five basic principles for clothing brands big and small.
Paraphrased from Business of Fashion:
Seek real conversational engagement online. "It's not a numbers game," Chen says. "You can have millions of followers, but more important is whether people are commenting and tagging their friends. That means you’ve created something that people are talking about and that’s what makes a good post."
Possess a strong visual identity. "ust as when you pick up a magazine, whether it’s Self Service or Vogue, and you could remove the title from the cover, but you would still know which magazine it was j[...]
10 years ago
"Juggling a full-time job with parenting and writing is no joke. It’s exhausting," shares writer and attorney Stephanie Laterza. “Some mornings, it’s heartbreaking to try to explain to my toddler son why my husband and I have to go to work and why he has to go to daycare, and why we can’t all just stay home, or go to the park like we do on the weekends.” Laterza’s son was the inspiration behind her short story, The Clown Nose, published through Akashic Books’ Terrible Twosdays series last year, which she feels captures an aspect of this hectic lifestyle. Other works like short stories In Triage and Niagara, and her recently released first novel, The Boulevard Trial, draw from moments in her life and career, serving as a huge influence in her storytelling.
And as challenging as the balance between lawyering, parenting and writing tends to be, Laterza credits her husband and mother for their unwavering support: “As I say in my blog, I send much peace and inspiration to all families making it work one way or the other.“
Find out what three favorite personal possessions Stephanie can’t live without! Then to learn more about this gifted author, visit
Red Sweater
My red sweater from H&M, which I bought about ten years ago. I put it on every time I write and it kept me warm on many mornings in my drafty den this past winter. Red is, and has always been, my favorite color. Of course, red signifies passion, love and fire[...]
11 years ago
In the fall of 2012, Nasrene Haj and Mila Pinigin formed the Creators Collective. At the time Haj and Pinigin, who had recently graduated from Sarah Lawrence College, were interested in creating a collaborative space in which other artistic individuals could come together to network, generate discussion and develop projects and events which challenged the status quo. In the two years since the Creators Collective was founded, Jeremie Gluckman joined the organization as Research Director while Haj has remained at the helm guiding the Creators Collective forward, always seeking out new and innovative ways to engage the arts on a micro and macro scale.
I spoke with Haj who is the Director and Co-Founder of the Creators Collective, about what it is like being a working artist in Brooklyn today, what challenges she faced starting an organization, and what changes she has seen in the Brooklyn arts community having grown up here
Anni Irish: How was the Creators Collective formed? And what was your intent for this organization?
Nasrene Haj: I founded The Creators Collective with one of my best friends from college, Mila Pinigin. One evening, while studying abroad in Italy our junior year, we were having dinner and started throwing around ideas for projects we’d like to work on together. We thought about how amazing it would be to create a small collective in Brooklyn that would engage these various projects with other friends and community members. A few months after gradu[...]