Tags archives: amber jimenez garcia
10 years ago
This week, I caught up with independent designer Amber Jimenez Garcia, founder of Ambit NYC, who just completed an impressively large-scale project with a well-established lifestyle brand recently.
Known for producing locally-sourced, handmade designs, Ambit NYC, is growing as Amber uncovers new ways to diversify her brand. Via e-mail, she offers some insight to Art For Progress readers!
1) Can you fill us in about the experience of producing a high volume of hats for a top lifestyle brand, all on your own?
In my experience, it is really about who you know. Every time I have had an opportunity to work for an interesting company on a freelance basis, it was due to a friend's recommendation.
For this company, which is branded as high-quality, a friend who works there in accessories design, [reached out to be as] she was looking to push work with an American-made brand in millinery. She has a few of my hats, and really believed in the quality of my work. [However this project was on] a much larger scale than what I'm used to. It was a great challenge, and I am happy to have had the opportunity.
2) Got any pro-tips for those looking to work with companies on a freelance basis?
One of the most important lessons that I gained from the project was to make a timeline, and to stick to it. Even with several setbacks along the way, sticking to a time-and-action calendar helped me meet each setback head on.
3) Are you still making baby booties [...]