Tags archives: Fashion Trends
10 years ago
As the summer season steadily winds down, and we start looking towards dressing for colder weather, let's look at items that women can wear all season long.
But let's not forget that many of us tend to wear the same clothes all season long, on account of frigid temperatures in many places of work.
(After all, we can't ignore talk about unfairly regulated, "sexist" air-conditioners.)
Meaning, that while it may be hot outside, it's ice-cold in many offices, movie theaters, shopping venues and more, so the need to stash a sweater in our totes is vital to summer survival.
However, this trend story is not about office politics, or sweater layering, it's about what we can wear anytime and anywhere that's always on trend (and will still look fierce under a sweater or with opaque tights).
Here are your three, tried-and-true fashion items (plus a bonus item) below:
The Wrap Dress
Photo Credit: DVF
Pity we don't have a nationally-designated holiday, celebrating Diane of Fürstenberg, the famed designed who introduced the valued fashion staple in 1974.
You can wear a wrap dress anytime of the year. With sleeves pushed up just so, enjoy walking around in breathable fabric, made with seasonless silk jersey.
A Printed Scarf And A Gold Bracelet
Photo Credit: Mariano Vivanco/Vogue Brazil
These are essential and effortlessly chic accessories that always work winter, spring, summer and fall. Use gold bracelets to dress up or down a style, and incorporate a s[...]
10 years ago
This week, while we are trying to figure out how to somehow incorporate bodysuits into our late-Summer wardrobe, or how to convert a shirtdress into a layering piece, Paper Magazine has issued a fantastic round-up of 15 fashion stars-to-come that you need to know about right now .
These designers are fresh out of design school, probably excited to hit the ground running this September when the official 2015 international Fashion Week season returns after Summer hiatus.
Here's a sneak peak at FOUR of the designers featured in the round-up that are going to be household names by the time the 2016 Fashion Week season cycles in.
You're welcome.
1) Jon Max Goh, Parsons The New School for Design
Photo: Hiu Zhi Wei
Talented design, who also has a great singing voice, creates gender fluid ready-to-wear that doesn't conform to mainstream norms. “I’m interested in asking why and how we design the way we do—and answering these questions by designing in a way we don’t,” Goh tells Style.com.
2) Samantha MacDonald, Savannah College of Art and Design
Photo: Samantha MacDonald
This designer-to-watch will not be as easy to find on future high-fashion runway but she will certainly influence popular style as in-coming Assistant Fashion Designer at Macy's starting this Fall.
3) Elizabeth Hilfiger, Rhode Island School of Design
Photo: Elizabeth Hilfiger
Tommy's middle daughter might prove to be a chip off the old block, effortlessly creating preppy fast fashion like h[...]