Tags archives: Scott Nyerges
13 years ago
Excitement is building for AFP's tasty menagerie of music & art at the super cool Paper Box this Saturday night. Otherwise known as Mixed Greens, it happens every third Saturday of the month.
In our last post we shared some late information about the participating artists.
Here's the schedule..
9:00pm - El Pueblo
10:00pm - Muj
11:00pm - The Coffin Daggers
in the garden: Sindy Butz performance piece
12:00am - DJ set - Elliot Dehoyos
Caridad Sola performance piece
Throughout the evening, in the garden, we'll feature a video installation created by filmmaker Scott Nyerges. Between live music sets, Gatto will be spinning a fun, eclectic mix of tunes to keep you hopping around.
Come out and support AFP's mission, the artists and this great new venue!
Doors: 8pm - Music: 9pm - Cover: $8
13 years ago
Mixed Greens returns this month with a new date, but you can expect the same fresh, diverse music, brilliant performance art and thought-provoking video installations you've come to expect at AFP events. Plus, The Paper Box is in the coolest neighborhood in Brooklyn and the tacos can't be beat!
What more can you ask for on a Saturday night?
Our original opening band for the evening, The Disappointment have another commitment, but El Pueblo has been added to the ticket. They're a fantastic reggae, dub band (latin and jazz influences) who are known for their powerful performances. We are sure El Pueblo will get the night started properly.
Not walking the line between na trapeze, epic-symphonica, and electropunk, the music duo Muj is a mish-mash of musical styles. In their performances, they are known for playful improvisations and unexpected intense instrumentations. Muj segues seamlessly from ferocious, soaring guitar jams to moving melodic departures. They are now working on a feature-length documentary including an original soundtrack.
When The Coffin Daggers take the stage, get ready for an all out assault on your senses. A staple on the New York live music scene, The Coffin Daggers forge a new sound that will both overwhelm and delight the senses. The NY based surf-punk, instrumental rock band has released a full length album and two singles to critical acclaim.
The super-talented, creative, architect, performance artist Caridad Sola has rightfully become the r[...]
13 years ago
Art for Progress presents "Mixed Greens" at The Paper Box
Saturday, August 25th:
LIVE MUSIC: The Coffin Daggers, Muj and El Pueblo,
PERFORMANCE ART: Caridad Sola and Sindy Butz
VIDEO INSTALLATION: Filmmaker/Photographer Scott Nyerges
DJ SETS: Gatto and Special Guest Elliot Dehoyos
Doors 8pm Music 9pm Cover $8
The Paper Box, 17 Meadow Street, Brooklyn, NY
Directions:L train to Grand Street Stop
(4 blocks from the subway)