Tags archives: summer arts program
3 years ago
Art for Progress Summer Arts Program
Thanks to a generous grant from the Pierre and Tana Matisse Foundation, we are pleased to announce the summer arts program is funded for the next 3 years! We are looking forward to an exciting, enriching program for 2022.
We are very pleased to announce, the program will be in person in 2022 (unless NYC changes the current pandemic protocol)! The location is yet to be determined, but it will be a location that is accessible from all 5 NYC boroughs.
Also, the program will expand this year to offer workshops for younger students ages 10-13. Plus, the program which has been for a 4 week period in previous years, will now run 6 weeks. To coincide with NYC's summer school program, the dates are July 5th - August 12th with afternoon sessions beginning at 1:00PM weekdays and some weekend dates as well.
Workshops will be offered in visual arts, music and other art disciplines with special guest teaching artists and weekly speakers.
You can sign up here: https://forms.gle/7cW1i8ak7dt7Qs8X8
Any questions, please email admin@artforprogress.org.
Stay tuned for many more details.
6 years ago
Art for Progress Summer Arts Program 2018
Art for Progress (AFP) is pleased to announce The Pierre & Tana Matisse Foundation has awarded the organization a three year grant in support of its Summer Arts Program. After a highly successful launch of the program in 2018, the foundation requested a multi year proposal to support the program which was recently granted in May.
Art for Progress will receive $52,500 to fund the program through 2021. The program was developed with the purpose of providing instruction in both music and visual arts over the summer months for students and young adults who are interested in careers in art and music. Although the focus is to provide instruction, knowledge and insight for career oriented students, the program is open to anyone interested (ages 13-24). Some of the key objectives of the program include:
providing a challenging curriculum while giving students the opportunity to choose and learn skills they desirepresenting professional, engaging artists to speak to attendees about the challenges of choosing a career in artssharing information and knowledge that's typically not offered in formal school programs such as "Key Tenets for the Professional Artist."providing teaching opportunities for students who are interested in education careers
The workshops will take place on four consecutive Sundays beginning July 14th (July 21st, July 28th, August 4th) from 10:30am-4:30pm. There is no cost for students and lunch wil[...]
7 years ago
The art-making process is many different things to each individual. With this in mind, the goal of The Summer Music and Art Program was to facilitate an environment where art can happen as naturally as possible. We wanted participants to bring all their creative expressions to the environment so that they could use them as tools in their arsenal when creating art.
Each week in the visual arts component, the main activity was based on reflection on the work of a visiting master artist. We had visits from musicians, illustrators, graphic artists, and fashion designers, all of whom presented and discussed their work with the students.
In order to create an environment of an open community of artists where everyone learns from one another, we made the studios open to all. Visual artists would visit the music studio and musicians would go to the visual arts studio where sometimes they were the model for the day.
Participants were introduced to new materials that became the catalysts for new problem solving experiences. Students artists were provided the instruction needed to refine their artistic and technical skills.
Week One
We worked from 3-D to 2-D and vice versa while developing a strong visual language that articulates perceived space. We built sculptures and made charcoal drawings of them with tonal values. We also used layering techniques in drawings by creating shapes with different values.
Students artists were impressed with what they were able to[...]
7 years ago
Art for Progress is pleased to announce a summer music & arts program for NYC high school students. The program is designed for students who are interested in a career in the arts and music.
Workshops in music and visual arts will be offered over four dates between mid-July and mid-August. These 4 hour workshops will include guest speakers, professionals in both the visual arts and music. The guest speakers will share their knowledge, guidance and experience as professionals in the art world.
The main objective of the program is to provide continued instruction over the summer months for students who are considering a future career in the arts. Students can also be graduates who are looking for additional instruction before heading off to college or art school.
The planned student to teacher ratio will be 10-15 students with a total of 40-50 students for each date. Space will be limited, and will be on a first come first serve basis. Students can choose to attend one or more workshops, but we suggest you attend all four. Please sign up as soon as possible to secure your place. The specific dates, location (Manhattan) and times will be available soon.
These are the dates for the workshops:
Workshop 1- Sunday, July 22nd- 10:30am - 2:30pm (lunch provided)
Workshop 2- Sunday, July 29th- 10:30am - 2:30pm (lunch provided)
Workshop 3- Sunday, August 5th- 10:30am - 2:30pm (lunch provided)
Workshop 4- Sunday, August 12th- 10:30am - 2:30pm (lunch provided)